Thursday, April 21, 2011

A natural disaster hit my garden.

I'm only half kidding. It's been a while since I posted because we were having a tremendous amount of rain for a couple of weeks. We had so much rain that it literally killed my lemon tree. I planted a lemon tree around about a month ago because I love lemons. Well, the rain had other plans and so I'm left with a muddy hole in the middle of my lawn.

Now for the natural disaster- nope, it wasn't the rain. What is it about kids that makes them get into everything they aren't supposed to? I swear to you it seems like they are compelled by some unseen force toward mischief. My garden was recently decimated by little hands, most of my plants were pulled, it was devastating. I have replaced many of the things that were pulled or otherwise destroyed but I had to buy plants, it was too late to restart everything from seed. As you can tell there wasn't much to write about while I patched my garden back together.

I replaced one of my jalapeno peppers with a Fresno chile, the other space is just sitting there until I can decide what to put there. I was able to salvage most of my onions and garlic. Fortunately I hadn't planted my tomatoes out yet so they were fine. I only bought one zucchini plant. I have tons of herbs started they survived the disaster because they hadn't sprouted yet. So, long story short, our garden is back!

So I'm doing this whole "green" thing, you know. The biggest impact that a family has on the environment is their food- hence the garden. But this year I've decided to take things a step further and I bought some chicks. Don't laugh! I bought chickens because there are seven of us, we eat a lot of eggs. Shoot, we eat a lot of everything but I figure the less that I rely on the stores the better.

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